Forever Changed


Creating unforgettable and life changing experiences sometimes takes courage.

Earlier this evening I arrived in Orlando for my Skydiving jump.

I previously shared that I desired for sometime to actually make this happen. Although the desire was there, the courage to go through with it was not.

Until now.

Sometimes we desire drastic change in our life, but we are paralyzed by fear.

Sometimes we have a vision and a burning desire to create something new, but the thought of failure immobilizes us and keeps our gifts that we are destined to share with the world hidden and suppressed.

Of course you can always choose to remain comfortable in your current state!


Are you content?

Are you happy?

Are you fulfilling your purpose?

When are you willing to speak to the voices of fear, doubt and insecurity?

To quiet them just enough for you create all that you desire in life.

It’s important to know that they will NEVER go away.


If we are courageous enough, we can eliminate their control over how we show up in the world.

Quite often people won’t build up enough courage to make the necessary life changing decisions until they are “backed into a corner” with what appears as no way out. Or possibly when they “hit rock bottom”. Or even worse, they leave this earth not fulfilling their true purpose or destiny.

Will you become another statistic?

Leaving behind untapped potential.

Your deepest and greatest passion buried deep in your heart!

Not living the life you desire!

I say no!

Have the courage to go after what you want.

Be all of you!

Today, another version of me will be birthed!

I will forever be changed!


Honor Your Past


Be Imperfectly Perfect