The Treasure Chest
Becoming Beautifully Balanced
There is always a commitment or responsibility that requires more attention from us. For me, balance represented an internal harmony and peace that could sustain me as I navigated through the external chaos in my life.
This was My Walk of Faith
This was my walk of faith. Trusting that God would not leave me or forsake me. Trusting that my steps were ordered. Understanding that the previous years were preparation for what was to come.
Take the First Step
Most of the time our greatest battles are in our head. If we have the courage to take the first step by overcoming our fears or excuses we can usually manage what’s next.
Stop. Breathe. Begin Again.
Remember there is only one of you!! Do what you can and find meaningful methods to take care of you!
Just Be You
I celebrate my freedom to be “extra” with this small cup of coffee! Today, I tried a blend that I don’t typically drink. I know it’s “just” coffee, but the mindset of playing it safe applies to so many areas in our lives!
Honor Your Past
Gratitude brings honor to your past, purpose for your present, and encouragement for your future.
Forever Changed
Creating unforgettable and life changing experiences sometimes takes courage.