Stop. Breathe. Begin Again.


Begin Again.

These are the words that I had to say to myself on this Monday morning.

We had an awesome, but BUSY weekend which required a lot of multi-tasking.
Track meet, 2 day cheer competition, virtual retreat, virtual baby shower, leaving a cell phone in the hotel room, dealing with a hangry kid late at night and first thing in the morning. . My awesome hubby safely drove us back home early this morning, and before I knew it was time to for work.

And boy did taking off Friday come back with a vengeance. This person needed this by a certain time. Another person needed something else. Catching up on a bunch of emails. I could feel the onset of anxiousness and pressure, but I refused to allow those emotions to navigate and take control of my morning.

So, I stepped away from my computer. Stopped everything, closed my eyes, took several deep breaths and logged on again. Once I was able to redirect that energy, I was able to focus clearly and navigate a plan to accomplish my designated tasks.

Often we remain in situations in which we don’t redirect uncomfortable energy and we allow it to consume us. The added pressure to perform can have undesired consequences as we struggle to come up with solutions when we are not in the right frame of mind.

I have learned over time how to redirect that energy and step away from the situation and breathe. The old Jen would have forced her way through to handle the situation not matter the physical, mental and emotional repercussions. There isn’t a justification to neglect your health and well-being. Not for a job! Not for the people who mean the world to you - significant others, children, parents, friends or whomever!

Remember there is only one of you!! Do what you can and find meaningful methods to take care of you!


Take the First Step


Just Be You